Penipuan Berkedok Cinta

Udah lama gak nulis, kangen juga rasanya. Oke,,, hari ini gue mau cerita tentang "penipuan yang berkedok cinta" yang biasanya terjadi lewat bantuan sosial media. Mungkin gue jg belum bisa bilang ini bentuk penipuan, karena gue jg baru mengenal sosok dia. Iyaaa....ada seorang pria bule yang ngajak gue kenalan di Facebook, awalnya dia bilang dia tertarik sama gue karena lihat foto profile gue dan dia minta info lebih detail tentang gue. Agak bingung juga ya, kenapa neh bule tiba2 ngajak kenalan.....

Ini sedikit conversation dari dia, awalnya sie di facebook trus berlanjut di email deh. Check this out....!!!!

Conversation di FB:

David says:

Hi Arin, thanks for the nice reply, I am from you mind if we communicate more through email! My id

Me Says:
why should communicate by email?

David says:
For us to get to know each other or we can communicate through Whatsapp

Me Says:
do u have whatsapp or line?

David says:
Trying to connect both right now, send me your number.

Me Says:
i'am already sent u by email

David says:

Thanks, i will check it up

Hi john...
Best Regards, _aRin_ 
no number

Me Says:
yes, it's my email

David says:
ok and your number too

Me Says:
communicate by email, please....

David says:
Ok sure i will thank you very much

Me Says:
Yaa....I waiting your email reply...

David says:
Sure i will write you more through email!

Conversation lanjutan di Email:

David says:
Hi Arin! 

I am pleased with that and I hope we can get to know more of each other. The most important thing is honesty, trust, respect. Pertaining on my business, I deal with suppliers of A4 papers, some sort of stationery. I am 42 of age. I am 80kg…sure I do have time for someone that I truly love.
Love can develop when we are writing to each other but it will take abit of time, might take few days for us to feel the same way but the most important thing is honest between us! Nothing much about my family, I have 2kids Adams 10 and Jennifer 7years, my dad pass-away! I have only one sister; my kids lived with my mom. I love to spend time with my family during my spare time, go for movie show or live football at emirate.
I believe if we will always keep in touch things will be easier for us to get to know ourselves and get familiar with each other character, though there are much better of meeting face to face and would be a great preferable than writing because I might say all good things about myself and the same is applicable to your side but when we finally meet it may be understand that none of the parties are qualified with the character or attitude we did mentioned.
Here is my phone number +447031921759
Best regards.David 

Dia juga ngirimin beberapa foto dia bersama keluarga dan teman-temannya, tapi sorry gak bisa gue published....

Me Says:
Hi Jones.....

Thanks for tell me your personal identity, iam appreciate. May I know your wife? And then you get my I'd facebook from who?

I am 25 years old. I have one brother n young brother. My dad same with you, already pass away 2 years ago.Now, you stay in UK?.

David Says:
Hi Arin,Thanks for the nice reply, I am please to read from you, please do send me your contact number so we can keep a great communication as well.I am happy to hear from you and hope we will always keep intouch.Thanks

Me Says:

Maybe not now I give you my phone number, sorry.....
You not answer my question? How about your wife?
Do you have a pin number?

David Says:
I am a ok!

I have whatsapp

Me Says:I am so sorry David....

Setelah conversation yang terakhir, belum ada kelanjutannya lagi. Gue agak ragu dengan neh bule, makanya gue tnya sma sepupu gue yg tinggal di luar negeri. Dia bilang harus hati-hati sama bule yg modusnya seperti ini, sudah banyak penipuan yang terjadi berkedok cinta. Banyak juga korbannya yang kehilangan uang puluhan juta. Maka dari itu, sepupu gue bilang mending block aja orang ini dan jangan ditanggepin daripada kita jadi target korban selanjutnya.....


  1. Sebaiknya hati-hati apabila menerima email atau berkenalan dengan orang asing atau bule, karena kita belum tahu siapa dia (bisa saja dia laki atau perempuan) dan biasanya menggunakan foto artis, foto model dan foto orang lain, dan saya mendapatkan email penipuan berkedok cinta sangat banyak dan saya terbitkan di blog saya, jika ingin melihat contohnya silahkan mampir di

  2. oke....thanks sarannya,,, sekarang agak lebih berhati-hati klo ada bule ngajak kenalan....
    Terima kasih sudah berkunjung :)

  3. ini gan link identitas penipu yang saya buat tentang penipu itu,semoga bermanfaat

  4. Terima kasih untuk link informasi ini, semoga bermanfaat buat pembaca lainnya...:)

  5. wkakakakakakkkk baru sama neh gw juga mengalami hal yg sma,,,

    ngaku tentara inggris yg lg tugas di afganistan mw ngirimn uang $1.5juta ,,,ujung2nya gw sruh byr bea cukai indonesia $1000,,,ni no bea cukai ngurah rai bali 082123023548 #katanya sih gtuu wakakakak

  6. Tapi untungnya gak kena kan sis...???? next time harus lebih waspada, terima kasih sudah berbagi :)

  7. W sering kna modus gtu, kta'a mo ngrmn duit ujung2'a mnta duit... ky gtu cuekn ja.. jgn prnh prcya cinta didumay...:)
    Trakhr bule amrk blg mo mnjam duit bwt byr hotl d'afrika... kita mkir ja seorg pngusha ko g pnya duit... klo w ada yg blg cinta w cuekn ja...

    1. setuju....!!!!
      Klo ada yang begitu mending cuekin ajaaa :))

  8. Ada yang tahu bule dengan nama Chris Walker yang jatuh cinta abis sama aku di facebook.Gimana nih cara nglacaknya beneran apa Scammer

    1. mending ga usah ditanggepin mba, klo emang mau buktiin itu bener apa scammer, coba ajak video call... biasanya yang scammer ga bakalan mau karena dia pake foto orang alias bukan foto sebenarnya..
      dan saran saya, jangan cepet percaya sama bule yang bilang cinta sama qita... :))

    2. Untung saya googling kasus2 kayak gini..jd saya gk terperangkap..mgkin mereka gk cm 1..mreka berkelompok gt..

    3. aku juga baru kena nama sandra pamela mengaku tentara wanita di syria dan jatuh cinta pada ku dan karena mereka di sana di serang bom dia takut dan mohon agar aku simpan duit nya $450000. tpi aku harus bayar biaya fee rp 7000000 dan yg tlp aku bkn bea cukai dan bkn no tlp kantor..aku ajak vc dia ga mau alasannya di larang..aku pun bersandiwara akhir nya dia gak hub aku lgi...sialan bgt tu scammer..


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